Hello everyone i am Abhishek and today we are going to talk about one of the most sensitive topic - should kids play video games ??
Video games have bacame very popular and advanced now . The future of video is surely very very big. But how playing video games is beneficial to you ?
should kids play video games ?
Playing video games would be very fun and exciting and a good way for entertaining yourself .
let me elaborate it , Imagine your kid has been introduced to video games for the 1st time ( or any other device like PC etc .) and you set a time limit for him of 1 hr a day to entertain himself with it .
Now when the kid will go to study, different things about games will circulate in his mind all the time like - Damn i should have waited for enemy to come closer , I will play the game with my friends from tomorrow, My friend has that awesome gunskins and cloths in game i will also buy those gun skins, John was telling me about xyz game that it is better than the game i play i must try it .
All this types of things will circulate in his mind all the time which will affect his studies . Whenever he will study he would think about the game and how to be the pro and achieve the best rank..... this and that. He would not able to focus on his studies .
Video games gives kids (or teenagers ) enjoyment but you know what he would be getting addicted to it . He would start play 4 - 5 hrs daily . Just wasting his time .
You will Learn nothing by playing video games , you may become pro in it and get selected in tournament. But that is extremely hard to get qualified.
Final Thoughts :
If your kid is enjoying video games , allow him to play only 1 hr a day , Don't let his time getting wasted. In childhood kids should learn how to respect and behave to others . When they play video games they may use explicit words heard from other players .
Also while playing video games we blink our eyes very less as compared to normal activities and this leads to the eye to get dry which can cause irritation in eyes. Blue light affects the eyes .
Don't Spoil Your Kids .
Instead of video games you should encourage them to play outdoor games this will not only refresh their mood but also make them stronger, healthier and defensive , they will learn many different skills.
Teach them about the good human being . Ask them what they want to be like Doctor , engineer , architecture, soldier, programmer , game developer , android developer , Astronaut, pilot , footballer etc. And encourage them to learn good things and teach them how to complete their dreams.
I hope this article would have helped you to take the right decisions for your kid. I told everything that i saw and experienced in my life.
Social Media is also affecting the way of childrens they think . If you open instagram or tiktok you may see so much of cringe content in which girls shaking their ass and doing double meaning things. These things distract childrens the most that is from their actual life goals.